
Situated on the corner of Lansdowne Road and Shelbourne Road, directly opposite the Aviva Stadium, a 5 minute walk from the RDS and DART Station, and a 25 minute walk from the 3 Arena and a 15 minute walk from the Grand Canal Theatre. The nearest Dart Station is Lansdowne Road, just beside our townhouse. Ballsbridge – Dublin 4 is one of Dublin’s most exclusive areas; home to many foreign Embassies and only a short distance from Dublin city’s main tourist attractions, as well as cultural and business centres. Surrounded by wonderfully vibrate restaurants and pubs, with some boasting the best food and entertainment in Dublin. See Butlers Recommendations for more.
Start your morning with a leisurely stroll in the leafy idyll of neighboring Herbert Park, enjoy the walk to Trinity College or experience the urban sophistication of Grafton Street perfect for your Dublin weekend shopping breaks.
Walk in the footsteps of Ireland’s literary giants – Joyce, Beckett, Wilde and many others; watch actors tread the boards at one of Dublin’s world famous theatres; perhaps indulge in some shopping in the chic outlets on Grafton Street and environs or simply enjoy a drink at any one of the city’s famous pubs.
Alternatively, you could take the Dart to the city centre, or enjoy a trip along the coastline to Howth or Bray.
Dublin Airport
The Aircoach is €8.50 one way or €14 return and the closest stop is on Pembroke Rd just a minute walk from the hotel.

Liên Hệ

Địa chỉ

Butlers Townhouse,
44 Lansdowne Road,
Dublin 4
D04 RY96

Điện Thoại

00353 (0) 16875270



Gọi Chúng Tôi

00353 (0) 16875270

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